New Year, New Goals

Welcome to 2021! I think this year is going to have lots for us to look forward to. I myself am feeling hopeful for the year ahead and the opportunities to grow and learn along the way. 

Lots of people come up with goals or resolutions when they start a new year. It's a fresh start, so often it's a good time to choose something you want to change, learn, or do more of. Maybe you want to learn to bake. Maybe you decide that you want to do one kind deed a day. I always commit to reading more books and drinking more water (and try to stick with it). Sticking with goals can be tricky, so try to pick goals that are realistic and you can achieve. Over the next few days I'm going to be posting about how to set goals in a way that you can be successful. Stay tuned!

I'd love to know if you have any resolutions or goals for 2021. Leave it in the comments or you can email me at


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