Mix Up a Laughter Milkshake

Maybe you already know that laughing is really good for you, but did you know that Laughter Yoga is a real thing?!? Watch this video and you can see how this exercise makes kids feel good. In the video, you see them making a "laughter milkshake" and then they drink it up. Do you want to make your own laughter milkshake? Follow these instructions:

Hold your pretend glass in your hand.  Imagine that you are going to pour in as many funny thoughts as you can.  Think of times when you were really laughing hysterically, the funniest times you have had.  Put those thoughts into your milkshake.  Shake it all around.  Now drink it up and feel your body start to laugh.   Allow the laugh to take over your body.  Laugh and laugh some more.  Drink three laughter milkshakes and watch everybody else as they drink theirs and begin to laugh too.   Mix one up whenever you feel the need for some laugh relief.

Was that some good laughter? 😆😂


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