Loving Kindness Meditation

Here is a little practice to try at home that is called Loving Kindness meditation. It's really easy and all you have to do is is gather up positive thoughts and well wishes and then imagine sending those happy and kind thoughts out like rays of sunshine to yourself and to others. 

Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and think these phrases silently to yourself or you can say them out loud:
May I (or you) be safe.
May I (or you) be healthy and strong.
May I (or you) be happy.
May I (or you) be peaceful and at ease. 

Now follow these easy steps:
  1. Send these positive thoughts to yourself.
  2. Think about someone you are grateful for or who has helped you in some way and direct the positive thoughts to them. 
  3. Think of someone who is neutral and send your happy beams to them (this might be someone you know and you're not really friends with, but you don't dislike them).
  4. Think of someone who you're having a hard time getting along with and send them these same positive thoughts.
  5. Finally, gather up ALL the positive vibes you can and send them out to all the people of the world.
If you think you need a little bit of help getting the hang of this practice, here's a video to guide you:


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