Mindful Walking with Juno

Juno and I went out for a mindful walk to a wetland that is near my house. As we walked we used all our senses to notice our surroundings. Here are some of the wonders we noticed:
I heard at least 5 different species of birds and the quiet hum of a lawnmower. I heard someone on rollerblades go by on the pathway. I saw lots of ducks (some of the boy ducks were fighting). I saw the cattails growing near the pond and noticed the many different colours of the willow twigs. I saw lots of insects and was excited to see my first butterfly of the year! Juno did most of the mindful smelling and mindful tasting 😆 He tasted many things included some mulch, a lot of ants, and a cattail!
Try going for a mindful walk with your family this weekend and tell me some of the things that you noticed. 


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