Let it Rain

It is pouring rain today so this seemed like a good activity to share! When we are overwhelmed with big feelings or when we're being really hard on ourselves, we can use this RAIN tool. If you can remember to "let it RAIN," you'll be able to remember these 4 easy steps:

R: Recognize the feelings you are having and give them a name if you can.
"I am feeling so frustrated right now."

A: Allow the feeling to be there, just as it is. Feelings are like clouds in the sky, they come and they go.
"I don't like this feeling of frustration, but here it is. And soon it will go."

I: Investigate the feeling with kindness. You don't have to squash it down or make it disappear. Just pay attention to how it feels in your body and what thoughts go with the feelings.
"This is such a big feeling and when I feel frustrated my body gets all tight and my brain tells me that I'm not smart." 

N: Not identifying with your feelings is a super important step. It means that you have feelings that come and go, but you are not your feelings. In the moment it sometimes feels like the feeling    controls you, but it doesn't. Your feelings will come and they will go.
"This feeling of frustration is really trying to take control of me right now, but it is just a feeling. I have lots of feelings and frustration is just one of them. I feel frustrated, but I am not frustrated."

The next time you have a big feeling, try doing these steps and very quickly, you will become the boss of your feelings!


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