So you're all washing your hands A LOT, right?!? Well, did you know that you can practice mindfulness while washing your hands? Here are 3 different activities you can try the next time you wash your hands:

Washing hands with gratitude: While you're lathering your hands, think of 5 things you are grateful for.

Washing hands with loving kindness: While soaping up your hands, send kind thoughts to 5 different people. Finally, send a kind thought to yourself while looking in the mirror. 

Washing hands mindfully: Do your favorite hand washing protocol and pay attention all the way through. How does washing your hands really feel? Slow down and feel the flow of water. Watch the water flow. Smell the soap. Feel the soap.  How does it feel in your hands? Feel the cloth you dry your hands with. Take your time and enjoy it!

Give these a try and comment here about how it made you feel after!


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