If you can remember back to when we were learning MindUp, you might recall learning about the power of appreciating happy memories. And collecting happy memories.

With everything happening in the world at the moment (most of it not happy) we might be feeling in a bit of a funk. This is where happy memories comes in. Here are 2 activities for you to do that will give your brain a boost of dopamine (the happy brain juice):

  • Take a moment today to think of a memory from the past that made you really happy. Spend some time replaying that memory in your mind like a movie. Notice who was with you and how you were feeling. Use your senses to recall all the details from that wonderful memory.

  • Start collecting happy memories each day you are at home. They might be little things like seeing your classmates on Google Hangouts or building a fort with your siblings. Scientists have found that when people go through difficult times together, they often become closer and create lasting memories. 
Tell me your favourite memory from your time at home :)


  1. playing with Ariel. She is my dog

    1. That is a wonderful memory! I bet Ariel is loving all the extra time with you!!!


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